Public Speaking.
Associate Professor
Howard University
Washington, DC

Research & Creative Works.

I am excited to be named as one of six 2020 U.S. Howard University Fulbright awardees. I received a Reasearch Award to take part in the Fulbright Specialist Program with Rhodes University in Makhanda, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, where I previously visited as the invited guest for South Africa's Media Freedom Week.
During my Fulbright program, I plan to focus on media and journalistic freedom with regards to the phenomenon of "fake news," which will be under the larger umbrella of ethics and dignity in reporting. This issue is a global one for the Fourth Estate and is of paramount concern with students there.

Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA President
Howard University
I applaud your efforts to maintain your relationship with the institution and your curiosity as to how Howard benefit from Rhodes University, South Africa, and the people with which you will meet and from which you will learn and collaborate.

My research interests include the dissection of current practices and pedagogies in journalism, the transition from professional to professor, and the complex facets of women, media and images. These interests stem from my extensive experience as a journalism industry executive as well as through publications and creative works. My research is published in peer reviewed journals and books and has been broadcast on nationally-recognized and respected television networks, and represent a variety of disciplinary perspectives and research methods.
CONTRIBUTIONS (All sole author)
March 2020
Book Chapter
Thomas J.C. (2020) Women Behind Bars: Dissecting Social Constructs Mediated by News and Reality TV. In: Harmes M., Harmes M., Harmes B. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Incarceration in Popular Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
MAY 2018
Journal Article
Pageantry & Politics:
Miss Howard University
from Civil Rights to Black Power
The Journal of Negro Education Vol. 87, No. 1, Special Focus: Black Power, Politics, and the Black Press: Resiliency and Engaged Learning in Education (Winter 2018), pp. 22-32 DOI: 10.7709/jnegroeducation.87.1.0022
December 2015
Journal Article
Reassessing Journalistic Pedagogy: Howard University’s Broadcast Coverage of the 2014 Midterm Election
Asia Pacific Media Educator Vol 25, Issue 2, pp. 238 – 246 First Published December 17, 2015
My creative productions demonstrate in-depth research, analysis and impact. I have produced live election specials, newscasts and documentaries.These works are aligned with the Vision of the Department of Media, Journalism and Film (MJFC) to be “a best in class” professional program which allows faculty, students and alumni to have a far-reaching and rewarding impact on their disciplines, industry and society.
My current study on the pageantry and politics of the women selected as “Miss Howard University” during the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements, is published in the Journal of Negro Education, and is the subject of a forthcoming documentary inspired by my own experience being crowned “Miss Howard.” Below is a snippet of an interview with the first Miss Howard to wear an afro in 1966, Robyn Gregory.
Other videos include my long-form piece on a day with the U.S. Border Patrol in El Paso, TX, as well as live election specials and newscasts.
Creative Works Channel
Creative Works Channel

Howard Univ's First Afro Queen, Robin Gregory, Speaks on Race, Culture, Class

Border Patrol ride along gets real when migrant family appears

WHUT's Election 2016 | Democratic Debate

February 2018 Conference Paper: 9th annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA) Conference. Presented Paper entitled, "Salt-N-Pepa & The Sista MC: The Sociology of Sex Talk in Hip Hop" | Albuquerque, NM (sole author)
July 2016 Conference Paper: 6th International Conference of the African Association for Rhetoric (AAR) Mastering the Message: The Media’s Evolving Role in Fostering Good Governance in Africa Windhoek | Namibia, Africa (sole author)
August 2016 Conference Paper: 2016 Junior Faculty Writing and Creative Summer Academy - Glenview Mansion, Rockville, MD | "Pageantry & Politics: Miss Howard University from Civil Rights through the Black Power Movement" (sole author)

2019 $5,000: The U.S. Embassy Nigeria/ US Consulate Lagos, Nigeria/ U.S. Dept. of State Media Speaker Program: Lagos, Nigeria April 27 - May 4, 2019
2018 $5,000, The U.S. Embassy in Pretoria/ US Consulate Cape Town, South Africa/ U.S. Dept. of State Media Speaker Program: throughout South Africa October 2018
2017 Advanced Summer Faculty Research Fellowship (Accepted) Documentary project: Pageantry and Politics of Miss Howard University" This grant will help fund a documentary to capture the personal accounts of former Howard University queens during the 1960s and 1970s. (Sole author) ($15,000)
2016 NewsVision Newscast on WHUT – NBCUniversal sponsorship. Requested and received sponsorship by NBCUniversal for second recording of the capstone broadcast journalism “as live” 30-minute newscast recorded and broadcast on WHUT TV to an audience of 2.5 million viewers. ($4800)
2016 Advanced Junior Faculty Writing and Creative Works Summer Academy, Howard University Office of Faculty Development in the Office of the Provost, Howard University
One of 15 Participants in debut program to support faculty success with scholarly publications and/or creative works. ($15,000)
2015-16 Challenge Fund Winners - Online News Association, Challenge Fund for Innovation in Journalism Education “HU Insights” ($35,000)
Summer 2014 Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MSRC) Summer Faculty Scholars program, University Gravity and Grace of the Gridiron Queen: The Legacy of Miss Howard University ($2,500.00).
2020 Gates Foundation - Howard Initiative on Public Opinion, COVID- Black and Latinx Essential Workers Survey Findings . The Howard University Initiative on Public Opinion (HIPO) conducted the poll, led by a team of interdisciplinary scholars. This report highlights the range of COVID-19 related concerns among Black and Latinx essential workers.